Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Ok, a quick mention that a few people in MPH may or may not be attempting some deeply unfashionable facial hair in support of the charity movement known as 'movember'. I think it does depend chiefly on two things; will it look more substantial than a prepubescent spotty teenager's lack of grooming or the old classic 'will the other half kick up more stink than its worth'.

Myself will probably fall prey to the latter, Tim possibly the former and Nick will put us all to shame. Already (considering we're only up to day 7!) he's carved and sculpted his consummate mo into an impressive Hulk Hogan like 'tash of power'. Things can only get better. He has the support of his loving wife and family plus the admiration of his work colleagues. We shall see how much he wants to broadcast it to the world but hopefully this space will pay homage to the hulk very soon.


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